010. Just Love Them
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Lark Galley is just an amazing woman. She calls herself a serial entrepreneur which is just awesome. We need more women in entrepreneurship!
I am so grateful for her strength and bravery in being willing to talk about her son’s suicide. Especially with it being so fresh and raw. Suicide is something that desperately needs to be talked about more. As we mentioned on the episode, simply asking someone if they are suicidal is not going to put the idea into their mind. If they’re thinking about it, they are. If they’re not, they aren’t going to suddenly start thinking about it as an option. So please, please do not be afraid to just ask straight out.
I’ve mentioned QPR training multiple times, and it’s something I honestly think that everyone should go through. Below are just a few things to look at for as warning signs of someone becoming suicidal:
Sudden change in mood—from depressed to happy seemingly over-night. Sometimes when someone has decided to commit suicide, they feel happy and free because they know that they are going to take their life and end their suffereing.
Giving away prized possessions. The person may want their possessions to get good use, and since they know they won’t be here to use them anymore, they will start giving them away.
Wording that hints that they may not be around.
Again, these are just a few things to look for. I highly encourage everyone to be QPR certified. You can find out more here.
If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or know someone who is, please get help.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Call 1-800-273-8255 (available 24 hours everyday)
or Text “Home” to 741741
There are also local resources.
Just search “suicide resources” and your city and you’re bound to come up with plenty of options!