009. More Than Crohn's

Alina Worthen
Mom. Nanny. Cook.
instagram: @ByAlinaMade

Alina is seriously amazing. She is a wonderful mom and full time nanny. She’s a fabulous cook and so much fun to be around. 

Dealing with a chronic illness is not an easy thing. It’s frustrating and difficult, especially when it’s not something that is outwardly obvious. But it’s something that Alina has had to deal with it for years now. She was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease when she was serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 

When you’re suffering from a chronic illness, it is really important to have a good support system. If you have one, I am so glad! If you are still looking for one, feel free to reach out and contact me or Alina. One of us would happily help you find what you’re looking for!

Learn more about Crohn’s and find support at the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation.


010. Just Love Them


008. Michael the Girl