Scars We Share

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097. Suck it Up, Buttercup with Mary Elizabeth Jackson

This episode will resonate for anyone who is a caregiver of neurodiverse children. It’s amazing and so needed and helpful. I love how she said that it can be lonely. It really can. My husband and I have often felt alone in our journey with three neurodiverse children. It’s hard sometimes. I love my children, so much. But some days it is just… hard.

There’s definitely times when you’re judged, too. Oh goodness. I’ve definitely had people judge us/our kids because they’re different. They don’t always behave like “normal” kids. Parenting is hard enough as it is. Try to let those comments roll off. You are a good parents. You’re doing the best you can. That’s all that matters.

Be kind and love your kids. Support them. Stand up for them. Educate yourself on how best to help them. You’ve got this.

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