030. Show the Hell Up

Jacob Dunford Photographer, Producer, Marketer, COO at Encircle website: jacobdunford.com facebook: @jacob.dunford instagram: @jacobdunford

Jacob Dunford
Photographer, Producer, Marketer, COO at Encircle
website: jacobdunford.com
facebook: @jacob.dunford
instagram: @jacobdunford

Jacob Dunford is seriously amazing. He has done so much good and is so kind. I loved being able to talk to him. I honestly don’t feel like there is anything I can add to this episode. He is fabulous.

Just remember that you are amazing. You are wonderful just the way you are. Be yourself, “show the hell up,” and you’re going to do awesome things. So much love to you.

If you’re in Utah, check out Encircle, once all the COVID-19 craziness dies down. It’s a great way to find and show support for LGBT+ in the area.

If you’re in Utah, check out Encircle, once all the COVID-19 craziness dies down. It’s a great way to find and show support for LGBT+ in the area.

Show your support by contributing on Patreon.com/scarsweshare. Every little bit helps.

Show your support by contributing on Patreon.com/scarsweshare. Every little bit helps.


031. We’re Still Here


029. Live Your Values