Scars We Share

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025. Your Emotions are Valid

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"Your Emotions are Valid" with Ben Spackensen Kayleen Jean Johnson

Ben Spackensen

Ben was an absolute pleasure to talk with. His physical scar deals with a pretty rough experience with shingles. His internal scar is based on how he pushed his emotions down for so long they became difficult to access. There is so much more to the story though!
Ben is gay, a former Mormon, has three children from his first marriage with a wonderful woman. He is now married to a man and lives in Orem, Utah. His story is beautiful, important, and necessary.

Unfortunately, especially in the LGBT community, you may feel like you are less than. Like there is something wrong with you. Let me just tell you that that is absolutely false. You are amazing and perfect just the way you. You deserve to be happy.

And just a reminder to everyone to be kind. Please. Just be kind. Be loving. We are all doing our best.

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