019. I Am Valid

Devin Preston Executive Program Assistant at Encircle

Devin Preston
Executive Program Assistant at Encircle

Talking with Devin was eye-opening. She is wonderful and I’m grateful for the opportunity I had to talk with her and hear her story.

I know I am going to sound so extremely naive, but I never thought about abuse in homosexual relationships. Being raised in the LDS church, it wasn’t exactly something I had much experience with. But of course it makes sense. Why would a homosexual relationship be any different than a heterosexual relationship?

I wrote this in the show notes for Episode 013 from season 1, but again, if you are being abused in a relationship, get help. Please. You do not, I say again, do NOT deserve to be treated that way. You deserve safety and happiness. Never settle for less than that!

Encircle’s Mission:

To Bring The Family And Community Together To Enable Our LGBTQ+ Youth To Thrive.

If you feel trapped in an abusive relationship, it’s time to get help. Visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline to take the first step.

They have a chat option,
or you can call 1-800-799-7233

Please do whatever you need to do to get away.
You deserve better.


020. I Need This to Stop


018. It was Hell